Groomer’s Wall® by All For Groomers(makers of the award winning Trach Saver and Hand Saver) have invented the BEST back saving device of all time! it really should be called BACK Saver!! Have you ever had those tiny dogs on your nice big table running around and scootching away from you at every chance? big ol Doodles that lean away or spin. what about old, blind, skittish dogs? well I was always a huge fan of table dividers, but this is the best one ever! made in the USA!
- Strong
- Adjustable
- comes in 3 sizes(36"- 42"- 48" long)
- comes with 2 clamps
- 2 year warranty
- not dependant on grooming arms or their placement.
- price includes shipping!
Each Groomer’s Wall® comes complete with 1 foldable wall with stainless steel locking hinges, carrying handle, nameplate and strong clamps to hold Wall to the grooming table securely
** These Groomers walls will ship directly from AFG in USA. Border charges might occur. But we are DISCOUNTING (cause we save on freight to us and import fees to us) and we dont charge tax on it either, and so you will still find it cheaper to purchase through us. LOG IN to see professional discounts!
Note from Joanne: I have used many versions of table dividers, but they are always fabric or plastic and dogs could press or jump over them. The AFG one is so well built, it acts like an actual wall and YOU decide how much space(unlike other table dividers that need to attach to exactly centre of your table, or between two arms). You can also get decals made to have a custom background for photos, and helps with the messy background if you have open design.